Employer heading

- Address
Wolverhampton Science Park
Glaisher Drive
WV10 9RU - Telephone number
- 01902 444888
- Website
- https://wolverhamptonccg.nhs.uk/
Your health and care matter
As the leader of the local NHS, we are responsible for spending almost £1m a day on healthcare for the city's circa 262,000 registered patients. We commission (buy and monitor) everything from emergency/A&E care, routine operations, community clinics, health tests and checks, nursing homes, mental health and learning disability services. As a commissioner, it is our role to ensure that the services we buy from the many providers of care – including The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and Black Country Partnership Foundation Trust – is of the highest quality and appropriate for the health needs of our city.
We are a clinically-led organisation comprising 40 member GP practices within the city. This means that local family doctors can use all their experience of the needs and wishes of local patients to make decisions about local health services.
Wolverhampton Clinical Commissioning Group presently has no vacancies listed in our database.